Music Competition

MARCH 6-8, 2025

The internationally recognized YTA music competition is open to classical artists, ages 18-30 (20-32 for Voice division), who are Texas residents or are enrolled in Texas music schools.

  • Those enrolled in a Texas college, university, or music school, or
  • Permanent residents of Texas enrolled in any college, university, or music school, or
  • Current Texas residents. (“Texas residents” are persons holding a Texas driver’s license, ID card, or Texas voter registration card. Previous grand prize winners and students of current judges (see below) are not eligible.)

All materials must be received by December 31st, 2024, 11:59 PM CST for consideration by the selection committee.

Young Texas Artists reserves the right to disqualify contestants who do not exhibit the standards of accountability, responsibility, and behavior as dictated by professional decorum.

Contact Information

Competition Location

Competition Dates: March 6-8, 2025


  • Grand Prize Winner receives an extra $5,000
  • Audience Choice Winner receives an extra $3,000
  • Finalists will receive professional photos of their performances, courtesy of Dave Clements of DWC Photography

Audition Requirements


Final Round

Repertoire Requirements


  • A complete concerto or other major work for solo piano and orchestra.
  • One movement from a Beethoven Sonata. If the candidate chooses to play one of the Beethoven concerti to fulfill the concerto requirement, a sonata of contrasting style and period should be chosen.
  • All selections must be performed from memory.


  • A complete concerto or other major work for solo instrument and orchestra.
  • A movement of solo Bach.
  • All selections must be performed from memory.


  • Three (3) selections of contrasting style in their original keys, selected from standard opera, oratorio, cantata, or songs with orchestral accompaniment. Two (2) selections must be in the original language. A third selection of the candidate’s choice may be performed.
  • All selections must be performed from memory.

Winds, Brass, Percussion, Harp & Guitar

  • A complete concerto or other major work for solo instrument and orchestra.
  • All selections must be performed from memory.

Collaborative Pianists


  1. $65.00 APPLICATION FEE. This fee is non-refundable and must be paid via credit or debit card.
  2. $125 COLLABORATIVE PIANIST FEE if you will be using a YTA staff collaborative pianist. This fee is refundable if you do not advance and must be paid with a credit or debit card.
  3. CURRICULUM VITAE in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format. Be sure to list major teachers as references and include their contact information in your curriculum vitae. Please note that a CV is not written in narrative (paragraph) form. Click HERE for help in writing and formatting your CV. Name your file as follows: firstname_lastname_CV (Ex. Charles_Ives_CV.pdf)
  4. HIGH-QUALITY HEADSHOT in .jpg or .jpeg format. Name your file as follows: firstname_lastname (Ex: Charles_Ives.jpg)
  5. RECENT AUDIO OR VIDEO RECORDING(S). Please submit a minimum of 15 minutes of music containing works of contrasting styles and periods. The repertoire on your recording does not need to be the same repertoire you intend to use in the live round. Name your file as follows: firstname_lastname_examplenumber (Ex.
  6. REPERTOIRE LIST. Your Repertoire List should only contain the pieces you plan to play if you advance to the live rounds of the competition. Please DO NOT include the repertoire you submit for your video/audio prescreening or a list of every piece you’ve ever played. Your repertoire list in .doc or .docx format for the competition. PDFs will not be accepted. Name your file as follows: firstname_lastname_repertoire (Ex: Charles_Ives_repertoire.docx). The list must be “program ready,” in other words, listed exactly the way you would find it printed in a recital program, and must contain the following information:
    • Composer’s full name and dates (Ex: Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), not J.S. Bach)
    • The complete title of each piece, including catalog number (Schmieder, Hoboken, Köchel, etc.) and opus number where applicable. Be sure to include the instrument in your concerto title. (Ex. Bassoon Concerto in Bb Major, K. 191)
    • The proper name of each movement with movement numbers included (usually tempo marking, but not always) where applicable (Ex. I. Allegro con brio, II. Andante, etc.)
    • The EXACT timing of each piece as you play it
    • The EXACT timing of each movement as you play it
Apply Now!
  • Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.
  • All applications, curriculum vitae, and photos will become the property of the Young Texas Artists Music Competition and may be used for promotion.

2024 Judges

Brian Luce, University of Arizona
Eric Mitchko, North Carolina Opera
Kay Stern, San Francisco Opera
David Torns, Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra

Previous Judges

2024 Winners

Daeun Han, piano

Rachel Jimenez, saxophone

Daeun Han, piano
Maximus Gurath, cello
Krista Renée Pape, soprano
Rachel Jimenez, saxophone

Xin Cui, piano
Claire Druffman, cello
Joanne Evans, mezzo-soprano
Roberto Gaitan, tuba

Past Winners